Hi everyone, I am making
my big bohos debut today writing about one of my favorite websites,
grailed.com. Grailed is similar to an online flea market where you can find
clothes from anywhere for prices that you cannot afford. As a loser who enjoys
looking at clothes he can’t afford during my classes, grailed is the perfect
place to do that, so I can imagine what I could wear if I was employed at all.
Grailed has done many wonders to the online clothing industry as an easy
location for people to get second hand clothing that they would not be able to
find at their normal thrift stores or flea markets. This has also come with a
price due to the emergence of clothing resellers that buy clothes at thrift
stores with the sole intention of reselling them for profit. Today, we will be
covering the intricacies of grailed and the “cultural impact” that it has had.
Why Grailed
Figure 1 Some of My Grailed Likes
the emergence of social media over the years and the rise of rampant
consumerism stemming from the media we consume, Grailed is the perfect place
for “fashion enthusiasts” to find pieces that they want for prices usually
below retail. Unlike other online secondhand marketplaces like Depop, Grailed
was designed to be a marketplace for designer clothes and streetwear. Grailed
also presents itself as a place where you can sell your designer pieces to make
money back from previous purchases on pieces that you might not want anymore.
This is great news for the pair of Margelia GATs that have been rotting in your
closet because some other loser out there is willing to get their hands on
them. Having the option of selling the clothes in order to make money back is
also a great option for those who buy clothes seeing some form of possible
return. Due to how fashion seasons work, it also allows for pieces that are
from past seasons to reenter the market and be worn by some other 15-year-old
hype beast. The cycle of selling pieces and buying new ones fits todays social
standards of consumerism and always keeping up with the latest fashion trends.
Grailed Trends